Friday, 26 June 2009

GDP (adjusted for PPP) World Rankings 2009 according to the IMF

According to the International Monetary Fund's latest figures(April 2009), China is in the second spot after the USA, India is in the 4th spot just after Japan, Russia is in the 6th spot just after Germany and Brazil is in the 9th spot, just after the UK and France.

China is still in the third spot in terms of nominal GDP, but how long before it surpasses Japan, perhaps during the next year or will it take another 2 years?

Source : International Monetary fund

Latest Global Fortune 500 list

In terms of Revenue, Royal Dutch Shell became the largest company, with turnover of $ 458,4 billion, followed by Exxon Mobil with $ 442,9 billion, Wal-Mart with $ 405,6 Bp with $ 367,1 and Chevron with $263,2 billion

In terms of absolute Nett Profit, Exxon Mobil was most profitable in 2008, with profits of $45,2 billion, followed by Gazprom with $29,9 billion, Royal Dutch Shell with $ 26,3, Chevron with $23,9 billion and BP with $21,2 billion. The most profitable non-oil company was Microsoft in 7th position with $ 17,7 billion. For many companies, even if it just had the digit after the company would make them very happy. To put this in perspective, the Nett Profit of the 6th most profitable company, Petrobras, is more than the revenue of the company that is 500th on the list in terms of revenue. The magic number to be on the Global Fortune 500 list in terms of revenue was $ 18,6 billion.

In terms of Return on Revenues for companies, CVRD was most most profitable in 2008, with a percentage of 35,3, followed by Merck with 32,7 , Microsoft with 29,3 , Occidental Petroleum with 2 and Philips Morris with 26,8.

In terms of Return on Revenues for industries, Mining and Crude0-Oil Production, with an industry average percentage of 19,8, followed by Pharmaceuticals with 19,1 , Tobacco with 12,3 , Food Consumer products with 11,9 and Household and Personal products with 9,9

To put Exxon Mobil's profits in perspective, that is more than the GDP of the country in the world that is ranked 77th in terms of nominal GDP(according to the IMF's rankings). To be in the top 50, a company's profits has to be larger than than the GDP of the country in the world that is ranked 148th in terms of nominal GDP.

In reverse order, Fannie Mae was the least profitable with a loss of $58,7 billion, followed by RBS with a loss of $43,2, followed by GM with a loss of $30,9 billion, and Citibank with a loss of $27,7 billion. No-one would be surprised about which companies had the highest losses, but it does show the magnitude of the problem they were having.

To put those losses in perspective, GM's loss is larger than the GDP of the country in the world that is ranked 58th in terms of nominal GDP(according to the IMF's rankings)

Source : Fortune Global 500 list and International Monetary Fund

World Solar Challenge: The Nuna 5 is launched

On 25 June 2009 Nuna5 was unveiled by the new 14-strong Nuon Solar Team. The team members, all students at Delft University of Technology, have worked on the construction of their solar car for almost a year. During this period they have set everything else aside to ensure that Nuna5 is even faster and more beautiful, aerodynamic and economical than ever. The Nuon Solar Team are looking forward to the moment when the World Solar Challenge starts in Australia.

The World Solar Challenge is a biennial race for solar-powered cars. Teams from some thirty countries take part. The race crosses right across Australia from north to south over a distance of more than 3,000 kilometres. It starts in Darwin on 25 October 2009 and ends in Adelaide on 31 October. If the Nuon Solar Team wins this year, it will be the fifth time in succession that students from Delft have taken the title for the fastest purely solar-powered car.

Source : TU Delft & World Solar Challenge

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

If Design Awards 2009

The clean and striking MODE is aimed at commuters that may have not considered cycling or folding bikes as an option. MODE avoids oily chains, complex tubes with hidden dirt traps, and the clutter of traditional bike features. Commuters, who do not want to change their appearance into “bicycle warriors”, can use it. MODE features IF (Integrated Folding) technology that offers a single-action, automatic fold that requires no tools or removal of parts. IF technology is based on a patented 3-dimensional 4-Bar linkage that automatically guides the wheels together when folding. Once folded, MODE rolls along in a convenient wheelable package

Source : International Forum Design

World Economic Forum's latest Global Competitive Index list

The USA still takes the top spot, followed by Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Singapore, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan and Canada to round off the top 10. The country listed as last in position # 134 is Chad, preceded by Zimbabwe, Burundi, Mauritania, Mozambique, Timor-Leste, Uganda, Burkina Faso and Nepal

The BRIC countries are positioned respectively in the 64th position(Brazil), 51st (Russian Federation), 50th(India) and 30th (China).

The member countries that most recently joined the EU, Bulgaria and Romania are in the 76th and 68th position respectively

The candidate countries to the join the EU, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Turkey are in the 61st, 89th and 63rd position respectively. This means that Croatia and Turkey are actually already more competitive that Bulgaria and Romania who have joined the EU.

The Netherlands moves up two spots to 8th place.The country’s companies are highly sophisticated and are the most aggressive internationally in absorbing
new technologies (ranked 1st for its technological readiness), buttressed by an excellent educational system and extremely efficient factor markets.The labor market in the Netherlands is notably efficient compared with the situation in many other European economies, and its goods market is ranked 3rd for its excellent functioning.

Source : The Global Competitiveness Report 2008-2009 © 2008 World Economic Forum

The latest Top500 list for the world's most powerful computers

HAMBURG, Germany—The 33rd edition of the TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers is still led by Roadrunner from IBM and Jaguar from Cray, but shows that two of the top 10 positions are now claimed by new systems in Germany. The latest listing, to be announced Tuesday, June 23, at the 2009 International Supercomputing Conference, also includes a brand-new player, an IBM BlueGene/P system at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Saudi Arabia, ranked at No. 14.

The fastest computer has a performance of 1105 Teraflops or 1,1 Petaflop, costs about a $ 100 million, it was the first computer to break the Petaflop milestone,
while the slowest on the top500 list has a performance of 17 Teraflops. To put that in perspective, the fastest Personal Computer can run up to 0,07 Teraflops at the moment, so you will have to cluster about 243 such very powerful Personal Computers to reach the Top500.

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